Replace outdated invoice ingestion tools with Basware SmartPDF

Don't solve today's problems with yesterday's technology

Finance teams face many hurdles with invoice ingestion, including growing numbers of emailed PDF invoices, outdated OCR technology, and supplier onboarding. These challenges lead to slow invoice processing and data quality issues.

But there's a solution to these problems, upgrade your invoice processing to Basware SmartPDF.

Error-Prone and Expensive OCR Processes Gone for Good with SmartPDF

Using outdated invoice ingestion tools is like using a payphone to make a call. Upgrade to our cutting-edge AI-based solution, SmartPDF, and let it handle over 92% of your incoming invoices with 100% data accuracy. Even invoice exceptions can be automated effortlessly.

The best part? You don't have to bother your suppliers for any changes. Simply send them the dedicated email address where they’ll send their PDF invoices.

A state-of-the-art solution for the next step in touchless invoice processing

How does SmartPDFwork?

Continuously learning AI

SmartPDF, trained on 20 million invoices from global companies, automates up to 92% of PDF invoices with 100% accuracy. Push your invoice automation percentages through the roof and teach your AI with each invoice.

Smooth sailing for suppliers

SmartPDF makes supplier onboarding simple. Just provide them with one email address to send their PDF invoices, and that's it. No need to nag them to change their ways.

Risk? Mitigated

SmartPDF AI reduces risks associated with human intervention while eliminating staff changes and disruptions. For validation-needing invoices, choose between AI or our top-notch managed services.

What best-in-class companies can achieve with Basware SmartPDF


of PDF invoices processed Automatically


invoice data accuracy


delays with all invoices delivered into your ERP

What can SmartPDF offer you?

  • 100% innovative technology 
  • 100% supplier connectivity 
  • 100% system integration 
  • 100% data capture 
  • 100% paperless 

Find out more and contact us today!